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The school culture is the single most important element under-girding the achievement of all students. GTH instills in students not only skills but habits and behavior. The Principal oversees the development and maintenance of the school culture, and the Deans of Students are primarily responsible for student discipline.

Ensuring positive conduct and a culture of achievement is essential to improve student learning and achievement. Similar to other high-performing charter high schools, Green Tech High reinforces a value system of high expectations beginning with the general requirement that all the students must be gentlemen by behaving responsibly and honestly, focusing on learning and achievement, and showing kindness and respect to adults, other students, themselves, and school property. These “non-negotiables” manifest themselves in the school building by students attending class on time, ready to learn; studying and reading continuously; following the dress code; knowing and doing all assigned homework; and turning off and putting away all electronic devices while in school; to name a few.

Building school culture entails character development which will be taught and discussed throughout the day as teachers work to build a classroom environment that not only censures disorderly behavior but also anticipates and prevents it with systems and routines practiced and enforced consistently at the school. The school implements regular reminders of the behavior and character traits that are valued. Students gather in advisory groups as part of the beginning of each day or periodically in school-wide assemblies, to hear their peers and their teachers encourage and reward behavior.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is crucial to all of our students’ success at Green Tech High.  Students that miss several days cannot master the content and skills of our rigorous academic program.  A student marked absent for the day cannot participate in any extracurricular activities that day. Students that skip class when they are known to be present will receive daily detention. Students who disrupt their class repeatedly will be sent to a Dean for the remainder of the period and also receive daily detention.

"Zeros Aren't Permitted"

Every Wednesday students attend "ZAP" period. Without an advisory period and each class cut short by 1 minute, the last hour of the school day is devoted to helping students make up assignments, complete extra credit work if available, and receive more individual attention and help from teachers. Students report to the class in which they have the lowest grade overall. Students who have higher than 75% in all their classes receive a free study-hall period during ZAP. This program allows teachers to more readily identify problems students may be experiencing in their classes and address them head on. At GTH zeros are not permitted!

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