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1 credit

This course focuses on important relationships in triangles. Students will learn the fundamentals of Geometry and Logic, write geometric proofs of triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. Students will also study plane, coordinate, and transformational Geometry. They will learn and apply locus-based definitions and compass/straight-edge constructions. This course will culminate in the Geometry Regents Examination.


(1) Algebra B, Algebra R, Algebra H, or Intermediate Algebra, (2) at least a 75 on the Integrated Algebra Regents Exam

ग्रीन टेक हाई चार्टर स्कूल

99 स्लिंगलेरलैंड सेंट।

अल्बानी, एनवाई 12202

(518) 694-3400

(518) 694-3401 फैक्स

सोम-गुरु। 7:45 बजे - शाम 5 बजे

शुक्र कर्मचारी दूर से काम करेंगे


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