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Career & Financial Management

CTE Business courses

0.5 credits

Semester 1:Career and Financial Management is an introductory business course. It is designed to promote financial literacy among young adults. The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge about business, the economy, careers and financial literacy. It is a project based computer class that introduces economic and management concepts used to help students become successful in the workplace. Students will gain an understanding of and develop the skills needed to be successful in a rapidly changing world. They will explore emerging workplace trends and develop employment skills, including resume writing, public speaking and interviewing. Additional topics include maintaining a checkbook, understanding credit, insurance, investing, and consumerism.



ग्रीन टेक हाई चार्टर स्कूल

99 स्लिंगलेरलैंड सेंट।

अल्बानी, एनवाई 12202

(518) 694-3400

(518) 694-3401 फैक्स

सोम-गुरु। 7:45 बजे - शाम 5 बजे

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